See Your Real Estate Fund Returns in Real Time
Be confident in your equity positions, track underwriting changes and run on-demand hold-sell analysis
with no changes to your current underwriting software.
Making Portfolio Management something to look forward to
View the most up-to-date financial models for all assets in your portfolio and track changes to the underwrite from acquisition through to disposition.
Live Fund Returns
See your real estate fund returns in real-time.
Equity Projections
Know your equity position in real time and forecast your equity projections.
Flexible Sensitivity Analysis
Stress test your portfolio against market risks including rent, cap rates, debt and more, without using analysts' time.
Track Changes
Log each change in underwriting models from day one through to disposition.
Debt Covenant Alerts
Forecast your debt projections and mitigate breaches of covenants before they happen.
No Workflow Changes
There is no need to change your current processes.
One product, endless power
hurdlr transforms the visibility of your portfolio, putting you a step ahead of other players in the market.
Move Faster
Analysts spend hours copying and pasting the same information across multiple files, often losing track of where the original data came from.
- Aggregate data across assets instantly
- Reduce human errors
- Make important decisions faster
Powerful Insights
Look at your portfolio in ways you never have before.
- Change macro-assumptions for all assets in one click
- See the impact of these changes on portfolio returns
- Automatically run hold-sell analysis
Track incremental changes
Models are always evolving and changing during the lifecycle of a deal. hurdlr ensures that all incremental changes are tracked, so everything can be explained.
- Automatically use the latest debt forecasts in your models
- Track all changes to each model over its lifetime
- No changes to the way the analysts currently work
Don't take our word for it
See what our customers had to say about it.
— hurdlr saves our analysts hours. We can now automatically run our portfolio models without a second of analyst time being used!
— We always know our equity positions with hurdlr. It takes all the latest models in real time, meaning we can now review it once a day instead of once a quarter.
— I never thought we could measure the impact of cap rate changes across our entire portfolio. We tried doing it before and calculated it would take 3 months to run all scenarios. hurdlr allowed us to do it in 1 day, saving our analysts both time and sanity.
Power up your portfolio today
Get in touch with one of our experts